Protect Kratom in Iowa
March 2025
March 4th Update: Iowa ban bill hearing was canceled last minute after meeting with the Bill Sponsor, and doesn't look likely to proceed at all this year. The KCPA bill may progress this year, but likely not due to limited timing in the legislature. The AKA will continue to monitor Iowa but at least the threat of banning and criminalization seems remote now.
Iowa has two kratom related bills. One is a Senate bill that bans kratom, the other is a Kratom Consumer Protection Act in the House that the AKA supports.
Ban Bill: Iowa General Assembly IA S.F. 367 A bill for an act designating kratom as a schedule I controlled substance, and making penalties applicable.
KCPA: Iowa General Assembly IA H.F. 612 A bill for an act relating to the regulation of kratom, and making penalties applicable.
The AKA is asking all Iowa Kratom Advocates to contact their representatives! Tell your House Member to Support HF 612 and your Senator to oppose SF 367
Again, all Iowans who can attend one or more of the Hearings are encouraged to do so and lets us know as the AKA will be at both.